This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Monday, November 30, 2009


Guys, since Saturday I have been dreaming about dogs, thinking about dogs, even seeing dogs in places they aren't normally present (like my living room for example). I'm smitten with Labradors. In the beginning I was considering also seeing a Golden Retriever (as I mentioned in the previous post) but the breeder had cancelled our appoinment for he had an important exhibition he had to attend to and there was no one who could show us around, but to be honest with you, I don't even need to see them to know, I want a Labrador. We went to a local backyard breeder, a very nice family who are in possession of 3 Labradors at present: a yellow Luna, a chocolate brown Pedro and his son- a black Sean. Now Luna is pregnant to Sean. They are all friendly, easy-going and affectionate! : ) Maybe they don't have impeccable manners (they licked my bf, our friends we went with and me from the very beginning of our visit and they jumped a little bit too) but they are absolutely adorable, cute and cuddly! Just look at the pics.

For example this is the first picture I saw on the Internet of Luna (before the visit) and she looked so smart and intelligent that I called and made an appointment.

...and this is Luna with her first puppies (they were all black!)

...and this is the future Dad when he still was a puppy (now is 2 years old).. doesn't he look gracious and dignified even if so young? : )

Sean now:

...and the happy couple together:

And now I am almost 100% sure that I would like a black Lab and probably a boy.. It's all about the feasibility... I would have to put up with the fuss and bother of estrus (period) which appears every 6-7 months and last for about 3 weeks each time... From the practical point of view, I don't have conditions in my appartment right now. On the other hand, I could subject her to spaying but even the sound of the word is drastic, hurtful and excruciating... I don't know if I'll be able to do it.

Well, the decision hasn't been taken yet. The family asked us to "book" the puppy after they're born (which will take place exactly for Christmas) so we still have about 3 weeks to make up our minds. But shhhhh.. I'll tell you a secret: I already know everything : )
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Monday, November 23, 2009


1. Leisure, work and lessons

I'm here and I'm alive! If I tell you that I haven't been writing lately because of lack of time then you'll start laughing in my face since (as you might know) it's been exactly 2 weeks since I'm officially... unemployed. Yeah, I know sounds like it sucks but to be honest with you, I'm quite happy now. Not because of the lack of work of course, but because of all the free time I have on my hands and the millions of things I'm able to do finally! I read books, I cook, I go for walks and clean my appartment (it's spick and span now!), I learn to type quickly : ) I know it won't last for long and after some time idling, I'll end up fed up with everything and maybe a bit desperate but for now it's ok. On the other hand, the fact that I'm cherishing my free time, doesn't mean that I'm not looking for work. Just the opposite, I'm everything but inactive now : ) First of all, I'm trying to concentrate more on teaching, I keep advertising my lessons in local newspapers and on the Net as well as in all the touristm-oriented facilities like hotels, b&b's and agritourism structures. Plus, the public schools have been publishing vacancies for so called "temporary external professors & experts" (of many various subjects) who can teach some additional courses sponsored by the European Union. The courses are free of charge, both for the students and the internal professors and staff. Despite the fact that the criteria are very strict and demanding, I have decided that I'll have a go. I have nothing to lose after all! : )

2. Not the odd one out

Second of all, I'm all lost in the Twilight series... Yes, I know... pathetic &pitiful. I'm not trying to be hip or anything, it just happened. I started to read the first part about 2 weeks ago (after having seen the film last summer) and there you go, I got hooked! I'm about to start the third book now. It's not my fault, guys! Plus, to be completely honest, it's not only the books... Yeah, I was fond of the films a lot too! Don't get me wrong, I know it's no high literature or a classic movie, but it makes you read/watch on. And in my opinion the book and the film together complete each other perfectly.

3. A dog

Third, this Saturday, I'm going to drop in on two local Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever breeders! I'm so thrilled and excited about it! It's been again two weeks since my bf and I on and off have been having a discussion involving the purchase of a dog... I've craved for it for years! And seriously, there's always a reason not to do sth... Now, I have possibility to dedicate much time to her/him, of course when I get a job, it'll be much more difficult but everything is just a matter of organisation and discipline. If we move out to another bigger appartment, we'll be hesitating since there'll be new furniture everywhere (he/she might pee, bite, destroy, etc). What about holidays? What about it?! People who have dogs do not stay at home 365 days a year, they DO travel and go for shorter/longer holidays. Waht do they do? They ask family and friends to help them. I feel so positive. I still don't know IF we are going to get one but just in case I need to ask you. Female or male? Can you help me with this? Of course in case I really were to buy it : )

Last but not least, I apologize for having neglected your blogs a little bit.. Therefore now I'm off to make it up to you! : )
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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Siracusa Spot.

This spot my bf showed me yesterday presenting Siracusa which hosted the last PowerBoat Championship. I like it. This is where I live. I'd like to draw your attention to the Italian "Macho Man" who speaks in the video. Funny..? Well, rather pitiful, especially if you have to meet dudes like these on a daily basis.

Anyway, tell me what you think.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

My first Halloween party! Yaaayy! : )

Guys! It was great! In my humble opinion, we all did a great work! First, the decorations. I spent the last whole week googling and searching the right pictures to print and hang in my appartment. I saw some great banners in the Carrefour store so I took them too. And then the funny bats I scattered all over the table... Looked quite original.

And OF COURSE working at the American University meant there had to be some pumkin curving activity organised too! These are the results!

About the costumes... well, as always we're so lucky! On Saturday, we went to my bf's parents to have a lunch together and complained about the lack of ideas. It turned out my bf's Dad was in Turkey some years ago and he bought there the original Turk clothing! Wow! The only problem was that the head hole in the male costume was too small for my bf and so as you can see in the pics, we switched the roles! : ) And here I would like to thank Al, who several months ago sent me the Bandit moustache which came in SO handy! : )) So that means we got our costumes sth like 6 hours before the actual party!

As for the menu, I prepared typical Eastern Europe winter food: We started off with pea cream-soup and then passed to goulash (gulasz in Polish).

And we couldn't do without a dessert! My friends brought nut and chocolate cake and my friend made these delicious cookies : )

Everything we perfect! : ) I'm sure that from now on we're going to have many Halloween parties together : )
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Datos personales

My photo
Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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