This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

In Poland finally!

W koncu jestem w domu! Oto co mam zaplanowane na te kolejne 10 dni:

1. Shopping, bo przeceny wszedzie! Poza tym brakuje mi jeszcze butow, dodatkow i torby na wesele brata w pazdzierniku.
2. Wizyta u dentysty (grrr...)
3. Puszczanie lampionow szczescia, takich jak tu:

I'm finally at home! Here are my plans for the following 10 days:

1. Shopping as sales are everywhere! besides, I still need a pair of shoes, a purse and some accessories for my brother's wedding in October.
2. Visit at the dentist's (grr..)
3. Participation in the festival of lanterns in Lodz (tonight). Like this one, for example:

4. Masaz w SPA
5. Zuzel z tata
6. Goraca sobotnia noc na parkiecie razem z Ania W.
7. Jedzenie, (prawie) tylko polskiej kuchni
8. Przygotowanie do kolejnej wakacyjnej podrozy tu:

4. Masage in a spa center
5. Speedway with Dad
6. Hot Saturday night on the dancefloor with Ania W.
7. Eating, (almost) only Polish cuisine
8. Preparing my trip to another holiday destination, here:

Tak, tak, w koncu lece do Nowego Jorku!!! :)

Yes, yes, finally I'm going to New York!!! :)

Przy okazji, wlasnie znalazlam bardzo zabawne ilustracje zwiazane z wakacji. Tak w sumie, wszystko sie zgadza, ja tez chcialabym kiedys do tych miejsc pojechac! Londyn i Paryz juz sa odhaczone! :)

Milych wakacji! :)

By the way, I have jsut stumbled upon these gorgeous illustrations connected with holidays. All in all,  I also would like to go and visit those places. London and Paris are already checked on the list! :)

Have a nice holiday! :)
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Friday, July 1, 2011

Dog's World Day

Dzis jest Swiatowy Dzien Psa. A to jest Artù. To moj pies. Czasem rozrabia, czasem psoci ale w gruncie rzeczy jest najfajnieszym psem na swiecie! Milego dnia, Artù! :)

Today is the Dog's World Day. And this is Artù. He is my dog. He sometimes acts up, he's a brat at times but to put it in a nutshell, he's the best dog in the world! Have a nice day, Artù! :)
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A dress, beautiful pictures and a song for the weeknd.

1. Sukienka.
Przepiekna sukienka polskiej projektantki Teresy Rosati, ktora jest teraz w nowej nizszej cenie (6300zl zamiast 10000zl). Reklamowana jako slubna, ale ja na pewno kupilabym ja na jakis wykwintny bal. Mozna kupic tu.

1. A dress.
A beautiful dress that belongs to a collection of a Polish designer, Teresa Rosati. It's now on sale (instead of € 2500, it costs now about €1600). Advertised as a bridal gown, I have some doubts and I would definitely use this piece for a very elegant party, for example. You can purchase it here.

2.  Zdjecia
Przepiekne zdjecia z nowej kampanii Christiana Louboutina inspirowane najslynniejszymi obrazami z XVw. Az trudno uwierzyc, ze to prawdziwe zdjecia (autorstwa Petera Lippmana). Majstersztyk!

2. Pictures
Beautiful photo session for the newest Christian Louboutin campaign. It was inspired by the greatest paintings from the XVth century. It's hard to believe these are just pictures (by Peter Lippman). Masterpiece!

3.  Zdjecia ponownie!
Fantastyczna sesja zdjeciowa w amerykanskim lipcowym wydaniu Vogue. W rolach glownych wystepuja: Lara Stone, Frida Gustavsson i aktor Alexander Skarsgard. Atmosfera tajemniczego romansu rozgrywa się w latach 40 a stroje pochodza z najnowszych kolekcji takich marek jak: Marc Jacobs, Balenciaga i Miu Miu. Zdjecia autorstwa Petera Lindbergha. Fantastyczne!

3. Pictures again!
Fantastic photo shots for the newest July issue of American Vogue. Stars Lara Stone, Frida Gustavsson and Alexander Skarsgard. The spellbound atmosphere reminds of the mysterious '40s and clothes belong to such designers as Marc Jacobs, Balenciaga and Miu Miu. Shots by Peter Lindbergh. So in vogue!

 4. Piosenka na weekend: Nerina Pallot (nowe odkrycie) "Put your hands up"

4. Song for the upcoming weekend: Nerina Pallot (my new discovery) "Put your hands up"

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Datos personales

My photo
Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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