This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

...and the Oscar goes too... my picks!

Dzis w nocy wreczenie Oscarow. Ja juz powoli szykuje sie do spania, ale przedtem nie odmowie sobie przyjemnosci wrozenia kto tym razem odbierze njawazniejsze statuetki. Z tegorocznych nominowanych nie udalo mi sie zobaczyc tylko 1 waznego filmu, tzn. True Grit (nominowany w 10 kategoriach). Oto moje typy (oczywiscie jutro, po uroczystosci sprawdzimy i postaram sie skomentowac i odniesc do tegorocznych nagrod).

1. Najlepszy Aktor: Colin Firth (The King's Speech)
2. Najlepszy Aktor w roli drugoplanowej: Goeffrey Rush (The King's Speech)
3.Najlepsza Aktorka: Natalie Portman (Black Swan)
4. Najlepsza Aktorka w roli drugoplanowej: nie wiem dlaczego, ale zadne z obejrzanych przeze mnie aktorek nie zrobily tu na mnie wiekszego znaczenia, dlatego wybieram Hailee Steinfield (True Grit)
5. Najlepsza Rezyseria: "The Social Network" David Fincher
6. Najlepszy Film: "The King's Speech"


Tonight Oscars' ceremony. I'm slowly getting ready to go to sleep, but before that, I cannot but make my picks and foretell who, this time, will receive the most important awards. I haven't seen only 1 important movie, i.e. True Grit (nominated in 10 categories.) Here are my types (of course, tomorrow, after the ceremony I will try to comment on and refer to this year's awards.)

1. Best Actor: Colin Firth (The King's Speech)
2. Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Goeffrey Rush (The King's Speech)
3.Best Actress: Natalie Portman (Black Swan)
4. Best Actress in a Supporting Role: I do not know why, but none of the actresses I've watched made a great impression on me and that is why I will pick Hailee Steinfield (True Grit)
5. Best Director: for David Fincher
"The Social Network"
6. Best Film: "The King's Speech"

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

The best woman-oriented hostels in the world.

Dzisiaj troszke z innej beczki. R wyslal mi dzis link do opublikowanej na stronie wloskiej Rebublica listy najlepszych hosteli dla kobiet.

1. Florencja, Praga, Wenecja, Rzym i Berlin. Siec 5 gwiazdkowych hosteli Plus. Polozone w samym centrum miasta. Basen, sauna finska i parowa i restauracja z typowym dla danego miasta/panstwa menu to tylko niektore z atrakcji. No tak, ale te moga podobac sie rowniez facetom. To, co wyroznia hostel, to cale pietro nazwane "Plus Girls Only" (Tylko dla Dziewczyn) z wiekszymi niz nakazuje to standard lazienkami, wygodnymi pokojami szanujacymi prywatnosc, duzym recznikiem kapielowym, kitem kapielowym, kitem do pielegnacji ciala i suszarka. Cena lozka: od €24!

1. Florence, Prague, Venice, Rome and Berlin are those cities where you can find a chain of 5 star hostels called Plus. Situated in the heart of the city. Swimming pool, sauna and steam room and a restaurant with typical for the city / country menus are only some of the attractions. Well yes, but they can also please the guys. This is what distinguishes a hostel: a whole floor called "Plus Girls Only" (Only for Girls) with larger than standard bathrooms, comfortable rooms, respect for the privacy, a large bathing towel, bathing kit, creams/lotions for body and hair. Price of beds: from € 24!

Hostel Plus Florence

Hostel Plus Prague

2. Londyn. 4 gwiazdkowy hostel Piccadilly Guest House to nie tylko cale pietro poswiecone tylko Paniom, ale cala struktura to "mezczyznom wstep wzbroniony". Portier, restauracja, dyskoteka, internet wi-fi i polozenie w samym sercu Londynu (dwa kroki od Piccadily Circus) to najwazniejsze z zalet. No i cena: noc od €28!

2. London. 4 Star Piccadily Guest House hostel not only has an entire floor dedicated to ladies only, but the entire structure is "men are not allowed. " Porter, restaurant, discotheque, internet wi-fi and location in the heart of London (two steps from Piccadilly Circus) are the most important advantages. Plus the price: one night from € 28!

Hostel Piccadily, London

3. Siec St Christopher's Inn ze swoim The Oasis w Londynie to prawdziwa swiatynia dla kobiet. Pokoje tylko dla kobiet, mieciutkie poduszki i materace, duze szafy, lazienki z suszarkami, kremami do ciala, zelami pod prysznic, szamponami to to co wyroznia hostel wsrod innych. Cena: od €26/noc

3. St Christopher's Inn chain of hostels with its The Oasis in London is a true sanctuary for women. Rooms for women only, with soft pillows and mattresses, large closets, bathrooms with hair-dryers, body creams, shower gels and shampoos. That's why the hostel stands out among the others. Price: from € 26/night

The Oasis hostel, London

4. Madryd. Cat's Hostel polozone w 18-wiecznym budynku z wielkim patio, w samym centrum miasta. Pokoje tylko dla kobiet od €18/noc.

4. Madrid. Cat's Hostel is situated in a 18th century building with a  vast patio in the city center. Women-only rooms from € 18/noc.

Cat's Hostel Madrid

5. Budapeszt. Hostel "I love Budapest" jest w samym centrum miasta,  nieopodal slynnej opery, gdzie mozliwe jest uslyszenie prob do spektakli. Trzy sale: dla mezczyzn, dla kobiet i "mieszana". Lozko w sali dla kobiet z lazienka kosztuje od €19 za noc.
5. Budapest. "I love Budapest" hostel is in the very city center, near the famous opera house, where it is possible to overhear the reherasals. Three halls: for men, women and "mixed." Bed in a room for women with bathroom costs from € 19 per night.

6. Paryz z widokiem na Sacre Coeur, obok Montmartre za mniej niz €30/noc? Tak! Zarezerwujcie tylko Village Hostel z kafejka otwarta do 2. nad ranem, sala telewizyjna, kuchnia do dyspozycji gosci, sniadaniem gratis i... biblioteka!

6. Paris with a view of Sacre Coeur, close to Montmartre for less than € 30/night? Yes! Just book the Village Hostel with its private café open to 2am in the morning, a TV room, guest kitchen, free breakfast and.. a library!

Village Hostel, Paris

7. Nowy Jork. Rozowe sciany, drzwi, a w Halloween, nawet dynie w takim kolorze. Pink Hostel polozony jest na polnoc od Central Park i jest jedyna struktura tylko dla kobiet w tym miescie. Pralka, suszarka, recepcja otwarta przez 24h/, alarm, kuchnia i sala telewizyjna jest do dyspozycji wszystkich Pan, ktore wybiora ten hostel. Cena: od €21/noc.

7. New York. Pink walls, doors, even Halloween Jack-o'-lanterns. Pink Hostel is located in the north of Central Park and is the only structure dedicated exclusively to women in this city. Washing machine, dryer, reception desk open 24/7, alarm security system, kitchen and TV room are available for those of you who will choose this hostel. Price: from € 21/night.

8. Melbourne. Bliskosc do plazy i uslugi "tylko dla Pan" charakteryzuja hostel Base St Kilda. Dziewczyny moga liczyc na szampon, balsam, suszarke i prostownice da wlosow, kawe/herbate podawana do lozka w weekendy oraz... szampan gratis miedzy 20 a 21! Cena za lozko od €21/noc.

8. Melbourne. Proximity to the beach and services "just for women" characterize the Base St Kilda hostel. The girls can count on shampoo, lotion, hair dryer and hair straighteners, coffee/tea served to bed at weekends and ... free champagne between 20 and 21! Price for bed from € 21/night.

9. Bangkok. Lub D to pelen luksusu hostel w samym centrum tego azjatyclkiego miasta. Sala Lady Deluxe Dorm to pokoje z duzymi lazienkami, gdzie znajdziecie kremy do ciala, szampony. Hostel wyroznia takze bar, sala kinowa, gdzie mozecie ogladac filmy oparte o wygodne poduszki, duze balkony internet wi-fi i pralnia chemiczna. Cena za lozko za noc: od €15/osobe.

9. Bangkok. Lub D is a luxurious hostel in the heart of the city. In Lady Deluxe Dorm with large bathrooms,  you can find body creams and shampoos. The hostel also distinguishes itself from the others thanks to the bar, screening/cinema room (where you can watch films when lying on comfortable cushions), large balconies, wi-fi and dry cleaning service. Price per bed per night: from € 15/person.

Il Lub Di Hostel, Bangkok
 10. Cutie's Girl Hostel dla kobiet i mlodych par w Jaipur (Indie) oferuje restauracje (otwarta zarowno w porze obiadowej jak i w czasie kolacji) z typowa kuchnia indyjska. Pokoje z klimatyzacja i co wazne w Indiach ciepla woda dostepna 24h/dobe. Co wiecej, znajduje sie w samym centrum, blisko wszelkich turystycznych atrakcji. Cena za dobe: €11/lozko/osobe.

10. Cutie's Girl Hostel for women and young couples in Jaipur (India) offers a restaurant (open both for lunch and dinner) with a typical Indian cuisine. Rooms with air conditioning and, what's important in India, hot water available 24 hours a day. What's more, it is located in the center, close to all tourist attractions. Price per night: € 11/bed/person.

Cutie's Girl's Hostel/Jaipur

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Awww... this is SO me!

Jedno zdjecie w najnowszym numerze wloskiego Elle wystarczylo, zebym zakochala sie w tej kolekcji. Blugirl (mlodsza, bardziej ekonomiczna wersja Blumarine). Na Wikipedii dodaja jeszcze, ze to marka stworzona przede wszystkim dla nastolatek. No, nie wydaje mi sie, naprawde. Spojrzecie na te kolory, na te kroje, elegancja w umiarze. To lubie.

Moze na slub jedna z tych propozycji?

Only one picture in the newest issue of the Italian Elle magazine decided about my attitude towards this collection. Blugirl (younger and cheaper version of Blumarine brand). In Wikipedia, I read it's a brand created for teenagers but I wouldn't say so, really. Look at those colors, the cut of these clothes. smartly contained elegance.. So that's what Tiggers like!

Maybe one of these for the wedding?

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

..and what about the accessories?

Slyszeliscie o marce Frey Wille z Wiedna specjalizujacej sie w produkcji bizuterii? Ja dopiero niedawno. Super, super super! B. kolorowe, b. pomyslowe, b. originalne. Oczywiscie b. drogie tez :) Ale moze taki jeden pierscionek nie bedzie kosztowal fortune, co?

Have you ever heard of Frey Wille brand from Vienna specializing in jewelery? Me, only recently. It's great, great, great! Very colorful, very ingenious, very original. And of course, very dear too :) But maybe one little ring wouldn't cost a fortune, would it?

Tu mozna zobaczyc cala kolekcje.

Here you can see the whole collection.

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Friday, February 18, 2011

My brother's wedding: MaxMara

Moj brat sie zeni! : ) 8 pazdziernik 2011. Oczywiscie nie moge sie juz doczekac! Dlatego tez, musze zaczac poszukiwania mojej sukni! Zaczynam od najnowszej kolekcji Maxmara.

My brother is getting married! : ) October 8, 2011. I cannot wait! That's why, I need to start my dress hunting! Let me start with the newest Maxmara collection.

Zacznijmy od butow:

Let me start with the shoes:

Co myslicie? Milego weekendu!

What do you reckon? Have a nice weekend!
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The post-Valentine post.

Dla tych wszystkich, ktorzy wczoraj sie smiali albo plakali, ktorzy przezywali, ktorzy kochali, ktorzy byli sami i dla tych, ktorzy marzyli, najpiekniejsze pocalunki telewizyjne:

For all of those who yesterday were laughing or crying, who were smarting, who were loving, who were all by themselves and those of you who were dreaming, the most beauiful TV kisses:

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oscar Marathon & Rome again : )

Moj filmowy maraton nadal trwa. Strasznie lubie te nasze Oscarowe Wieczory. Oczywiscie poswiece caly post, zaraz przed Oscarami aby omowic po troszku filmy, ktore widzialam i przedtawic Wam moja liste zwyciezcow.

My movie marathon continues. I'm really fond of these "Oscar Nights". Of course, just before the Ceremony, I'm going to dedicate an entire post to discuss the movies and announce my picks.

Poza tym, jutro juz znowu lece do Rzymu! Caly weekend zwiedzania, ogladania, spotkania ze znajomymi i male zakupy oczywiscie. Czy mozna to nazwac praca??? :) Acha, musze koniecznie zobaczyc wystawe Marca Chagall'a: "Il mondo sottosopra" ("Swiat do gory nogami"). Oto oficjalny plakat wystawy...

Besides, tomorrow I'm flying to Rome again! The whole weekend full of sightseeing, meeting friends and shopping of course. Would you call it work? :) Oh, I must necessarily see the Marc Chagall exhibition, "Il mondo sottosopra" ("the world upside down"). Here's the official poster of the exhibition ...

...oraz jeden z obrazow:
...and one of the paintings:

Mam album poswiecony jego tworczosci (dziekuje, A & F!) i uwazam, ze Chagall jest b. intrygujacy. Najbardziej jestem ciekawa barw, kolorow, ktore nigdy w ksiazkach nie zostaja odzwierciedlone tak, jak na plotnach.

I have an album dedicated to his works (thank you, A & F!) and personally I find Chagall very intriguing. I am most curious about the colors because in books they're never depicted as well as on the canvas.

Acha, jeszcze jedno: przedwczoraj zarezerwowalismy sobie z R hotel i samolot do Turynu! Nigdy jeszcze tam nie bylam i strasznie sie ciesze na ten krotki wielkonocny wypad. Co prawda to tylko 2 noce, ale i tak fajnie!

Oh, one more thing: the day before yesterday R and I booked a hotel and took the plane tickets to Turin! Never before had I been there, so you can imagine I'm terribly excited for this short Easter weekend! It is true, it's only 2 nights, yet better than nothing!
Milego weekendu! : )

Have a nice weekend! :)
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Datos personales

My photo
Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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