This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Update on the last post

Chcialabym dodac jeszcze moje 3 grosze dotyczace ostatniego wpisu. Przesledzmy razem krotkie biografie kobiet pracujacych w nowym i bylym rzadzie Wloch:

I'd like to put in my 2 cents' worth to my last post. Let's briefly investigate some biography notes on the women working in the last and the present governments:

Kobiety Mario Montiego
Mario Monti's Women

A.M. Cancellieri

Minister Spraw Wewnetrznych
A.M. Cancellieri
Od 1993 do 2009 zajmowała stanowiska prefekta (urzędnika danej prowincji odpowiedzialnego za sprawy bezpieczeństwa i porządku) w kolejnych prefekturach w Vicenzie, Bergamo, Brescii, Katanii i Genui. Później pełniła funkcję specjalnego komisarza na Sycylii i w Bolonii.

Minister of the Interior
A.M. Cancellieri
From 1993 to 2009 worked as a Prefect (an officer responsible for an area of local government) in Vicenza, Bergamo, Brescia, Genova. Later she worked as a special Commissioner in Sicily and Bologna.

Paola Severino
Minister Sprawiedliwosci
Paola Severino
Adwokat ds. karnych
4 razy pod rzad wybrana na stanowisko V-ce Prezydenta Rady Sadownictwa Wojskowego

Minister of Justice
Paola Severino
Criminal Law attorney
4 times in a row chosen for the V-ce President of the Council of the Military Judiciary

Elsa Fornero
Minister Pracy, Spraw Społecznych i Równouprawnienia
Elsa Fornero
Profesor Ekonomii Politycznej, doradca Banku Swiatowego w Rosji, na Lotwie, Macedonii i Albanii

Minister of Welfare
Elsa Fornero
Political Economy professor, counsellor for the World Bank in Russia, Latvia, Macedonia, Albania

Podczas gdy...

Kobiety Silvio Berlusconiego:
Silvio Berlusconi's Women:

M.V. Brambilla

Minister ds. Turystyki
M.V. Brambilla
Miss Elegancji, reklamowala rajstopy firmy Omsa, w 1986r zatrudniona przez wloska komercyjna siec telewizji Mediaset; znana ze swojego prowokujacego stylu ubierania sie.

Minister of Tourism
M.V. Brambilla
Miss of Elegance, she advertised hosiery for Omsa brand, in 1986 she started to work as a television journalist for Berlusconi's Mediaset group, and she was famous for her "sexy" attire.

Mariastella Gelmini
Minister Edukacji
Mariastella Gelmini
Ukonczenie studiow i obrona pracy magisterskiej po terminie. Zwolniona z funkcji radnego miasteczka Desenzano del Garda przed zakonczeniem kadencji z powodu niesatysfakcjonujacych rezultatow.

Minister of Education
Mariastella Gelmini
Graduated far after the scheduled date. She was the president of the city council of a little town, Desenzano di Garda until 2000, when a motion of no confidence against her eventually passed.

Maria Carfagna
Minister ds. Rownouprawnienia
Maria Carfagna
Brala udzial w wyborach Miss Wloch w 1997r. Prezenterka w stacji telewizyjnej należącej do koncernu Mediaset, Silvia Berlusconiego. Wielokrotnie pozowala nago, w 2005r do kalendarza magazynu Max. Miss Kina w 1997r. Ogloszona "najpiekniejszym ministrem na swiecie" oraz numer 1 na liscie Maxima jako "Najgoretszy Polityk Swiata"

Minister for Equal Opportunity
Maria Carfagna
She participated in the Miss Italy contest in 1997. Later she started working in television as a showgirl for the company Mediaset, controlled by the family of Silvio Berlusconi. She posed nude on various occasions, ex. in 2005 for a Max magazine calendar. Carfagna had been named "the most beautiful minister in the world", and was ranked number one on Maxim's "World´s Hottest Politicians".

Bo przed kariera polityczna wygladala tak:
Because this is how she looked like before she became a politician:

No i co? Przekonalam Was teraz, ze zmiana tego rzadu, to byla dobra decyzja?
And now what? Did I convince you that the change was only for good?


Páginas vistas en total


Datos personales

My photo
Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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