Moj filmowy maraton nadal trwa. Strasznie lubie te nasze Oscarowe Wieczory. Oczywiscie poswiece caly post, zaraz przed Oscarami aby omowic po troszku filmy, ktore widzialam i przedtawic Wam moja liste zwyciezcow.
My movie marathon continues. I'm really fond of these "Oscar Nights". Of course, just before the Ceremony, I'm going to dedicate an entire post to discuss the movies and announce my picks.
Poza tym, jutro juz znowu lece do Rzymu! Caly weekend zwiedzania, ogladania, spotkania ze znajomymi i male zakupy oczywiscie. Czy mozna to nazwac praca??? :) Acha, musze koniecznie zobaczyc wystawe Marca Chagall'a: "Il mondo sottosopra" ("Swiat do gory nogami"). Oto oficjalny plakat wystawy...
Besides, tomorrow I'm flying to Rome again! The whole weekend full of sightseeing, meeting friends and shopping of course. Would you call it work? :) Oh, I must necessarily see the Marc Chagall exhibition, "Il mondo sottosopra" ("the world upside down"). Here's the official poster of the exhibition ...
...oraz jeden z obrazow:
...and one of the paintings:
Mam album poswiecony jego tworczosci (dziekuje, A & F!) i uwazam, ze Chagall jest b. intrygujacy. Najbardziej jestem ciekawa barw, kolorow, ktore nigdy w ksiazkach nie zostaja odzwierciedlone tak, jak na plotnach.
I have an album dedicated to his works (thank you, A & F!) and personally I find Chagall very intriguing. I am most curious about the colors because in books they're never depicted as well as on the canvas.
Acha, jeszcze jedno: przedwczoraj zarezerwowalismy sobie z R hotel i samolot do Turynu! Nigdy jeszcze tam nie bylam i strasznie sie ciesze na ten krotki wielkonocny wypad. Co prawda to tylko 2 noce, ale i tak fajnie!
Oh, one more thing: the day before yesterday R and I booked a hotel and took the plane tickets to Turin! Never before had I been there, so you can imagine I'm terribly excited for this short Easter weekend! It is true, it's only 2 nights, yet better than nothing!
Milego weekendu! : )Have a nice weekend! :)
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