This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Microsoft sucks!

Have you heard the newest Microsoft faux pas? The worst is that it puts Poland in negative light! This is the image you can see on the US Microsoft website:

And this one you could see until few weeks ago on the Polish one (now it's the same as in the US):

First of all, look, how bad Photoshop work it is. Do the people look in natural positions to you? I mean this woman's arm seems to be bent in an awkward way, the monitor in front of her is not plugged into anything (maybe it's the Microsoft newest gizmo), the white laptop, doesn't look like a Macbook to you? And what about the black man's (US) and white man's (Poland) heads??!! They look so disproportionate in comparison with the whole body!

The worst is that what the Microsoft did was just to remove the black person's head and put a white one insted! The body and hand (black) remain the same!

One of the bloggers on the Photoshop Disasters website summed up: "Didn't you read about the groundbreaking transplant technology developed in Poland?".

Ok, apart from the funny side of this ad, the problem is quite serious. Yes, I understand that Polish population is quite "regular" as far as the complexion is concerned, we are mostly white. Why on Earth then this strange idea to leave the Asian guy and remove the black one? Maybe because you can spot some of the Chinese people selling T-shirts and shoes on the Polish markets? Did I hit the jackpot?

Anyway, I'm leaving you with this doubt... Let me know if you find any other reasonable explanation.

BTW, tomorrow my Polish friend Ania is coming to visit me! She's going to stay here one week and then, next Saturday we're going to Poland together! : )))


  1. I heard about this, and it all seems rather stupid on their part. I mean, what's the point? Surely people from Poland live in the real world and know that black people exist, even if there aren't many in their country. Has Microsoft released a statement about why they would do something like that? I'd really like to know their supposed logic behind this.

  2. It definitely seems stupid, like a bad biz move. But they probably have the same budget probs as everyone here... so sad.

    And have a great time in Poland!

  3. oh oh oh POSTCARD FROM POLAND PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and im kinda shocked about this microsoft thing... im going to look into it a bit more and see if there are any explainations of it online!


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Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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