This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Monday, April 19, 2010

My bf becomes a star...

This was a tough week. A very tough one, I'd say. But it's Tuesday again, I want to (and need to) move on. Thank you for your comments, emails, for your support. I didn't reply to you, I didn't leave comments on your blogs because I had to concentrate on only one thing.

It's not a Valentine's Day, but this post will be entirely dedicated to my bf, who slowly becomes a Very Important Person here, in our small Siracusa. He, as you know, is a lawyer and despite his young age, starts to distinguish himself as a young, ambitious and extrememly nice professional. I can bet that when you think "lawyer", the first words-associations that come to your mind are: money, even more MONEY, success, a big house, no, not a house, a mansion sounds much better and loads of work. Well, I will disappoint you: on this list, only a lot of work is the factor that characterizes this profession. My bf works hard. At the beginning this caused many rows, disagreements between us. I insisted on having him more at home and not just for meals, he kept telling and explaining that this is what his work involves: long hours in the firm, long meetings with clients. Plus with the competition one cannot afford to decline seeing a client for this or that reason... So finally we made a compromise: no coming back home after 9.00 pm, free Saturday afternoon and Sunday. And this seems to work : ) I'm pretty busy myself with classes, plus Artù now so I believe we spend enough time with each other.

Anyway, this all to tell you that finally his work bears fruit. Not in terms of money and earnings (yet) but surely in terms of prestige and respect he's earning from other lawyers. He was asked to write an article for a national newspapaer for Italian lawyers:

He's invited to take part in conferences not only here, in Sicily but also in Rome and Milan. Last night he came back from Milan and despite the fact that he didn't have time at all to buy me little something, these are the gadgets he received and which I became an owner of:

1. A fancy, original piggy bank made of ceramics

2. A strong, water-resistant laptop bag

3. Cute packet of jelly candies in an elegant box:

4. Beautiful little blue notebook to use at the meetings:

5. A packet of mini-crayons, beacause who wouldn't like to doodle in this brand new notebook during these boring, long meetings : )

What's more, during the last conference, a serious Italian newspaper, Sole 24 ore interviewed him and a fragment of this interview was actually published! You can see it here. Unfortunately, it's in Italian. Don't ask me what it's about, it's too ambigious and complicated...

Anyhow, this all to say I'm utterly happy and proud of YOU : )) I love you!!!

PS. I want to welcome back my dearest Jordan, who started a new blog (finally!!)


  1. aww Jo that is so awesome! he should be so incredibly proud of himself for starting to gain real ground :)

    {and who doesnt love free gifts!!!!}

  2. ohh I can imagine that must be hard for you! So glad that you figure out the best way to deal with his long hours of work!
    Now you can be proud of him!

    Nice gifts!!!

  3. I am so happy for you and your bf!!! I hope the future will only have great things for you guys!! What happened to you? Hope everything is ok.


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Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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