This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Friday, April 24, 2009


So it's the third day of the official G8 summit in Siracusa. I have never seen the city as clean, as cured as now. In 1 month the government of the city has done more work than it has done during the whole year. The roads have been repaired, the buildings renovated, some new art exhibitions and museums opened... Wow! I have some pictures to show you. Doesn't this city look amazing?


  1. Wow! I love the one with all th flags and the first one with the big hand. But my favourite is definitely the last picture. It's gorgeous. But what's with all the random blue turtles? Are they always there?

  2. i LOve g8 summits!!! love them. i love political hoo hah!

    and i like your pictures too, as always. beautiful!

  3. i love the pictures! very very nice!

  4. The pandas are so adorable! And the sculpture of the arms and legs is really awesome!


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Datos personales

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Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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