This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sth nice..

Today I wanted to post these two amazing clips. These two songs have been with me all last week and everytime I switch on MTV, they're there, waiting for me : ) The first one features Beyoncé. Doesn't she look amazing in it?

The second one is by an Italian singer, Malika Ayane. This clip reminds me a bit of Why by Annie Lennox. Don't you agree?


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Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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