This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

2 dresses.

Moze w koncu znalazlam sukienke na wesele! To Luisa Spagnoli, ale na razie widzialam ja tylko na zdjeciu, wiec musze wejsc do sklepu i zobaczyc.. przede wszystkim ile kosztuje : )

Maybe finally I've found a dress for my brother's wedding. It's Luisa Spagnoli and I've seen it only in the picture so I need to go to the actual shop... to check the price first ;)

A oto sukienka, ktora Kate Middleton nosila wczoraj podczas swojego wieczornego bankietu weselnego. Ponowny, jak w przypadku sukni slubnej, projekt Sarah Burton (Alexander McQueen). Czy ona nie wyglada jak ksiezniczka? Juz uwielbiam jej styl, mysle, ze zostania okrzyknieta nowa ikona mody, porownywalna z Grace Kelly czy Katherine Hepburn! Zobaczycie!

And here's dress, which Kate Middleton was wearing during the evening wedding banquet. She exchanged her wedding dress against an satin evening dress with diamond-tipped at the waist. (Also from Sarah burton from Alexander McQueen) Doesn't she look like a princess? I already love her style, I think she soon will be hailed the new icon of fashion, comparable to the Grace Kelly and Katherine Hepburn! You'll see!

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

Mozecie mowic co chcecie, ale dzisiaj najwazniejsi sa ONI. Tak bylam wsrod jednej trzeciej calej ludzkiej poulacji (ok 2 miliardow ludzi), ktora zwariowala na ich punkcie i widziala dzisiajszy slub (tak, bylam w pracy) i potem go ponownie obejrzala na youtube. Kate i William wygladali fantastycznie i byli absolutnie ujmujacy w swojej prostocie i skromnosci. Z jednej strony protokul dyplomatyczny i wszystkie te sztywne reguly, z drugiej wielkie prawdziwe uczucie i emocje dwojga normalnych mlodych ludzi, ktorzy podjeli te wazna decyzje o byciu razem na zawsze. Cudowne.

You can say what you want but today it's all about THEM! Yes, I am among the third of the whole world population (about 2 billion of people) who went crazy about the royal wedding. I watched it (yes, I was at work) and rewatched it and got touched by the beauty of the ceremony. Kate and William looked amazing and were both bewitching in their simplicity and modesty. On the one hand we had a royal wedding, with all the "do's and dont's" and a breach of protocol, on the other a great truthful feeling and emotion trigged by this important decision of being together forever. Beautiful.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Torino. Lots of pics!

Turyn. To byl bardzo udany weekend. Pogoda wspaniala: 20-25 stopni i slonce. Jedlismy w lokalnych restauracjach serwujacych typowa kuchnie z regionu Piemontu, a jesli chodzi o zabytki, zobaczylismy wszystko to, co sobie zaplanowalismy, wiec sukces na calej linii. Popatrzcie sami:

Turin. It was such a delightful weekend. Wonderful weather: 20-25 degrees C and sunny. We ate in local restaurants serving typical cuisine from the region of Piedmont, and when it comes to sightseeing, we saw all what we planned to see, so as you can see, we couldn't ask for more. See for yourself:
1. Venaria Reale (zamek krolewski)
1. Venaria Reale (royal palace)

2. Centrum miasta, glowny rynek:
2. City centre, main square:

3. Muzeum kina
3. Cinema museum

4. Bazylika Superga
4. Superga Basilica

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!

Jutro razem z R wyruszamy do Turynu na krotki wielkanocny wypoczynek. Byc moze nie bedzie suto zastawionego stolu ale za to beda muzea, galerie i dlugie spacery. Zamiast tego:

Tomorrow R and I leave for a short Easter vacation to Turin. Maybe there won't be a traditional Easter table but there will be museums, galleries and long walks. Intead of this:

Bedzie to:

There will be that:

Tak sie ciesze! Wesolych Swiat!

I'm so happy! Happy Easter!
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

A new ad with David!!

Od kiedy tylko uslyszalam, ze David kreci nowa reklame Pepsi, nie moglam sie doczekac, aby ja zobaczyc. No i jest! Jaki fajny prezent na swieta!

Ale najpierw cos starszego:

Ever since I first heard about the new Pepsi commercial with David Beckham, I couldn't wait to see it. And finally, it's here! What a great present for Easter!

But first something older:

A teraz ta najnowsza:

And here's the newest commercial:

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Friday, April 15, 2011

New hairstyle.

Przyszla wiosna, a wraz z nia, moja nowa fryzura.

My new hairstyle to celebrate the new spring season! :)

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Malta. A LOT of pictures.

Jak wiecie, w zeszly weekend bylam po raz pierwszy na Malcie. Wyspa, choc tak blisko Sycylii (lot trwa tylko 25 minut), jest tak inna kulturowo czy jezykowo (oficjalnym jezykiem jest maltanski i angielski, jako ze byla niegdys kolonia brytyjska). Jesli chodzi o kilmat, oczywiscie nie ma zbyt wielkiej roznicy. Co wiecej, w miniony weekend temp przekroczyly 26 stopni i cieszylismy sie prawdziwa letnia pogoda.

Zobaczcie sami:

As you know, last weekend I spent (for the very first time) on Malta. Even though so close to Sicily (the flight takes only 25 minutes), I found the island is so different culturally and linguistically (the official language is Maltese and English, as was once it was a British colony). As for the climat, of course, there isn't much of a difference. What's more, over the weekend, the temperature exceeded 26 degrees and we could enjoy splendid summer weather.

Just take a look:

Wyspa Gozo:

Gozo Island:

Miasto Mdina:

The town of Mdina:

St Julians, Malta:

A oto moj pokoj w 4 gwiazdkowym Hotelu The George:

And here's my room in a 4-star The George Hotel:

Fantastyczny weekend!

To put it in a natushell, a fantastic weeekend!
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Páginas vistas en total


Datos personales

My photo
Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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