This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nikon pictures.

To juz dzis drugi post, o jejku, jakim stalam sie plodnym pisarzem, haha!
Postanowilam podzielic sie z Wami ostatnimi zdjeciami (przelom stycznia/marca 2011) zrobionymi naszym nowym aparatem (ktorym jestem po prostu zachwycona!):

It's already the second post today, oh gosh, what a prolific writer have I become, haha! 
I decided to share recent photos (January / March 2011) taken with our new camera (which I love!) with you:

1. Oto co R. przygotowal mi pewnego wieczoru na desert po kolacji. Czy nie jest uroczy? :)

1. Here's what R prepared for me for a dessert one evening after dinner. Isn't he cute? :)

 2. Zupa-krem z warzym przygotowana przeze mnie:

2. A soup-cream prepared by me:

3. Moje ostatnie wypieki: ciasteczka czekoladowe z lejaca sie czekolada deserowa w srodku. Pychotka!

3. My baking trials: chocolate cakes with melted dark chocolate inside. Yummy!

4. Kotleciki mielone z sosem pomidorowo-marchwiowym z makaronem, ktore zrobilam w ostatnia niedziele na obiadek:

4. Meatballs with tomato-carrot sauce and pasta which I prepared last Sunday for lunch:

5. A oto moje ostatnie odkrycie. Jako ze pracuje z amerykanskimi studentami, a jestesmy we Wloszech, milo jest im czasami poczytac jakis magazyn w ich jezyku. Dlatego od czasu do czasu kupuje angielskie/amerykanskie czasopisma.

Oto brytyjskie Elle z kwietnia tego roku...

5. Here's my latest discovery. As I am with working with American students, and we are in Italy, they sometimes like to read a magazine in their language. That's why, from time to time I buy some English / American magazines.

Here's a British edition of Elle (April 2011)...

...a to Elle wloskie, tez z kwietnia:

... and this is Italian Elle (also April 2011):

 A teraz zwroccie uwage na roznice w grubosci obu gazet! Niesamowite!!!

And now look at the diffeence in volume/thickness of both magazine! It's incredible!!!

Ostatnia strona wloskiego Elle:

The last page of Italian Elle:

 ..i zblizenie na ilosc stron (610)

... and zoom on the page number (610)

A to ostatnia strona brytyjskiego magazynu...

And this is the last page of the British issue...

 ...i dokladna ilosc stron (354!)

... and exact number of pages (354!)

Moral: Elle wloskie jest prawie 2 razy grubsze od brytyjskiego. No tak, w koncu jesli chodzi o styl i mode, nie ma wlasciwie co porownywac miedzy Wielka Brytania i Wlochami i z zwiazku z tym, nie ma az tak wiele do powiedzenia, haha!

 The bottom line: Italian Elle is almost twice as thick as the British one. Of course, considering there's not much to talk about when thinking about the British style and fashion, haha!


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Datos personales

My photo
Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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