This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Let's talk about sth nice.

Ok, oto moj obiecany post optymistyczny. Nie bede opisywac moich pozytywnych wizji na temat swiata i mojego zycia osobistego. Po prostu podziele sie z Wami, kilkoma informacjami i zdjeciami, ktorych widok cieszy mnie ogromnie.

Ok, here is my promised optimistic post. I will not describe my positive vision about the world and my personal life. I’ll just share with you some information and photos, the sight of which I enjoy tremendously.

Po pierwsze fartuchy. Teraz wiecej czasyu bede spedzala w domu. Moze zatem sprawie sobie jeden z tych nietypowych fartuszkow? Co myslicie? Ja jestem zachwycona oryginalnoscia i pomyslowoscia autora. Fartuch, w ktorym mozna wyjsc na ulice i robic zakupy bez zazenowania! Super. Popieram na 100%. Fartuchy szyje Pani Urszula i sa one uniwersalne, tzn rozmiarowo pasuje na kazdego. Sa tez propozycje dla Panow. Oto adres strony,gdzie mozecie dokonac zakupow.

First aprons. Now, I’ll spend more time at home. Perhaps, I’ll get one of these beautiful aprons? What do you think? I am delighted to see their originality and ingenuity. Apron, in which you can go out and do grocery shopping without embarrassment! Superb. Aprons are made by Mrs Urszula and sized to fit everyone. There are also proposals for the gentlemen. Here is the address where you can make purchases.

1. Beatrice

2. Carla

3. Julietta

4. Lola

5. Lukrecja

6. Melania

7. Natasza

Poza tym, moze nie wszystko sie konczy. W poprzednim poscie pisalam o przesycie i nadmiarze. I oto wiadomosc, ze prace porzuconego kilka miesiecy temu projektu wielkiego outletu odziezowego (ok 100 sklepow) mimo stworzonej juz struktury kolo miasta w ktorym mieszkam zostaly wznowione!

Besides, maybe not everything ends. In the previous post I wrote about satiation, glut and excess. And here's the news that the abandoned several months ago work on the project of a great clothing outlet (about 100 stores), despite the already created structures near the town in which I live has been resumed!

Tak jest teraz:

This is how it looks now:

A tak bedzie pod koniec lata, kiedy to outlet ma byc otwarty:

And this is how it will look like at the end of the summer, when the outlet will be opened:

Nie moge sie juz doczekac! Miejmy tylko nadzieje, ze prace juz nie ustana i kolejne zdjecia na blogu beda juz zrobione moim aparatem!

I cannot wait! Let's just hope that the work will continue and the next pictures on the blog will be taken with my camera!


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Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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