This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

No comment.. Just don't!

Poltora miesiaca bez wiesci. Niezle. Nie mialam casu, weny tworczej i ochoty na pisanie. Taka jest prawda. To moj ostatni miesiac w obecnej pracy i potem wakacje. W miedzyczasie tysiace wyslanych mailii z CV w srodku i prosba o zwrocenie uwagi na moja skromna osobe. Boze, w jakich czasach przyszlo nam zyc. Wszystko jest na wyciagniecie reki a jednoczesnie tak trudne do osiagniecia. Przesyt wszystkim doslownie. Nie ma potrzeby na "wiecej". Wszystko juz bylo, wszystko sie juz przejadlo, nie ma potrzeby otwierania kolejnych zakladow, biur, sklepow a co za tym idzie, miejsc pracy oczywiscie. Wrecz przeciwnie, gdziekolwiek bym sie nie ruszyla widze tylko tabliczki z napisem "likwidacja". Niestety nie moge tego zmienic. Musze sie z tym zmierzyc. Bedzie ciezko, wiem, ale dam sobie jakos rade. Mam nadzieje. Teraz potrzebuje na troche zwolnic i zastanowic sie dobrze, co teraz chcialabym robic. W jakim kierunku pojsc. Kontynuowac, czy zmienic branze calkowicie? Tyle pytan w glowie.. Na razie zostawiam to wszystko "na potem". Teraz najwazniesze to zakonczyc ten miesiac, odpoczac i przemyslec to wszystko na spokojnie. Taki jest plan.

Do tego wszystkiego, jakby tego bylo malo, w zeszlym tygodniu strasznie sie przeziebilam (do tej pory nie za dobrze sie czuje), a przedwczoraj kilkudniowa soczewka, ktora wkladalam do oka, rozdarla sie na 2 nierowne czesci, i ta mniejsza zostala mi w oku. Po tym jak wczoraj wreszcie udalo mi sie ten kawalek zlokalizowac (ale nie wyjac), udalam sie na ostry dyzur, gdzie lekarz popatrzyl mi w oko przez ten specjalny mikroskop i oznajmil, ze nic w srodku nie mam!!! Przepisal mi tylko jakies krople do oczu, bo przeciez NA PEWNO dyskomfort, ktory czuje w oku, to efekt tarcia, pocierania i maltretowania caly dzien TEGO OKA. Do tego, kazal mi zaplacic za wizyte (€25) bo jak to okresli, moj przypadek to tzw "alarme bianco" (dosl. bialy alarm), czyli po prostu bezpodstawna wizyta na ostrym dyzurze! Na szczescie kasy byly zamkniete o tej porze (ok 19) i nic nie zaplacilam. Mam teraz na to 3 dni. Nie chce placic, bo jestem przekonana, ze lekarz sie mylil i po prostu nie znalazl tego kawalka soczewki. Teraz mam 2 wyscia: moge cieszyc sie, ze nic w oku nie mam, wrocic i zaplacic za "bezpodstawna wizyte" lub isc prywatnie do okulisty, zaplacic za wizyte jakies €70, wyjac czesc soczewki, ktora tkwi gdzies w kaciku i potem po pisemnej relacji tegoz okulisty zalozyc sprawe o odszkodowanie w szpitalu. Sama juz nie wiem co mam zrobic. Bo dzis jakos nie czuje, ze cos w tym oku zostalo. Jejku, jaka dluga i beznadziejna ta historia. Teraz napisze chyba drugiego posta, zeby jakos zrownowazyc ten nastroj ogolnego przygnebienia i pesymizmu.

A presto. Jo.

It's been a month and a half without posting anything. Not too bad.. I did not have time, inspiration and any desire to write. This is the pure truth. This is my last month in the current job and then vacation. In the meantime, thousands of emails with my resume and the polite request to draw attention to myself. God, what times are we living in?! Everything is at our fingertips and at the same time everything is so difficult to achieve. Glut of literally everything. There is no need for "more." Everything has been done, everything has been already invented, there is no need to open new plants, factories, offices, stores and hence the variety of jobs offered on the market is very limited. Unfortunately I cannot change that. I have got to face it. It will be hard, I know, but somehow I will succeed. I hope. Now I need to slow down and ponder on what I would like to do. In what direction to go. Continue or completely change the working field? So many questions in my head .. For now I leave it all "until later". June will end, then I'll get some rest and I'll be able to think clearly and positively.. That's the plan.

To make matters worse, as if this all was not enough, last week got a cold (I still do not feel well), and a day before yesterday, my contact lens, which I was putting into my eye, got torn into two unequal parts, and the smaller one remained in my eye. Only yesterday, I finally I managed to locate it (but not remove it), and so I immediately went to the ER where the doctor looked me in the eye through this special big microscope and announced that he found nothing! He prescribed me some eye drops, because surely the discomfort I felt was the effect of rubbing the eye constantly. Plus, he asked me to pay per visit (€ 25) because, as he called it, my case is so-called "alarme bianco" (lit. white alarm), which is simply an unfounded speculation about an emergency situation! Fortunately everything was already closed and so did not pay. I now have 3 days to do it. Do not want to pay, because I am convinced that the doctor was wrong and simply didn't find this piece of lens. Now I have 2 options: I am happy with the doctor's diagnosis, I go back and pay for the "unfounded visit" or I'll go private, pay about € 70 for the visit, have the portion of the lens removed, and then after having received a written statement from the second doctor, I sue the hospital for damages (which doesn't seem a a total exaggeration considering I live with a lawyer). I really do not know what to do. Today, somehow, I do not feel that something is in that eye. Gee, what a long and hopeless story. I'll probably write another post, in order to somehow balance this mood of despondency and pessimism.

A presto. Jo.


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Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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