This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Where do you want to live?

The Economist has just published the ranking of top cities with the highest liveability. It turned out that 6 cities (!!) in Canada and Australia are in the top ten! Unbelievable.

There were 140 cities (worldwide) taken under consideration. Each city was assigned a score for over 30 qualitative and quantitative factors across five broad categories:

  • stability
  • health care
  • culture and environment
  • education
  • infrastructure

  • The categories provide an overall rating of 1–100, where 1 is considered intolerable and 100 is considered ideal.

    It turns out that the best place to live in is Vancouver (isn't it too cold?) with a rating of 98.0; Sydney and Zurich, sharing ninth place, achieved a score less than 2% lower than Vancouver’s.

    Here's the top ten list:

    As for the Italian cities, of course only Roma (no.52) and Milan (no.50) were considered in the survey. But can you imagine that London was on position no.51 and New York no.56?! Amazing!

    So on a private note, I want to say: "Al, you're SO lucky! Congratulations!" : )

    And what about you? Where would you like to live? Do you like the city you live in at present? If not, what is the place of your dreams? In my Top 5 there would be definitely: Milan, London, Paris and New York.


    1. Wow! Paris is beautiful! If you move.. take me with you! lol :p

      I like where I'm at now. I just wish for longer summers and warmer ones. Its a bit small compared to where I was born and raised. But I like it.

      Paris and Toronto are definitely on my list. :)

      Take Care!

    2. I live in toronto right now (number 4) but I think its debatable how great of a city toronto really is haha, and yes the winters are much too cold and last way too long!

      My top cities to live in would be Paris, London, New York or Prauge

      ahh, maybe one day.

    3. I live in Corpus Christi, Tx right now and I hate it. :/ But I gotta finish my education and I'm outta here!!!

      I can't say I'd love to live in Paris, New York, or any other cool place because I've never even been! As for realistically... Austin, Texas is where I'm headed after this.

    4. hah i`ve been to 4 of the `worst` cities and NONE of the `best` so i am obviously not a good judge!!

      i would like to love anywhere anywhere anywhere thats exciting, but not too hot and that has good coffee and an english book store. oh and human rights would be good too :p not fussy at all!

    5. Melbourne deserves to be up there... its BEAUTIFUL.

      Sydney is nice... i guess...

      Perth is a HOLE. there is nothing there... well there is bush.... so dunno how that is so high..

      I would take italy over most of those any day!!

    6. I'm assuming LA is probably in a very poooor zone. :(

    7. I don't like where I stay too much, I prefer living by the sea-side. So I would love to live by the ocean :)

      But then again, I like the snow too.

      Gosh - I'm so indecisive :/

    8. Jordan: I promise I will let you know if I decide to start a new life in Paris!

      Ella: So how did you end up in Toronto??!!!

      Sarah: I love your criteris/conditions! You're right: coffee and English book stores are a must.. If I had only thought about it before moving to Italy... I can't complain about coffee but I buy my books on the Internet or when I'm in Rome, Milan or.. in Poland!

      Al: Thanks so much for this sincere judgment!!! I MUST see Melbourne! Funny enough I have a boy-friend living there and never really thought this city could be So high on the list!

      Vanessa: Really??!!

      Mellisoo: Me too! I love the sea and the climate here but I miss the facilities of big city too...

    9. wow I'm happy to live in first 10! Thanks for putting me into your blog list and for following me!!!
      You made my day that day!

      Have a lovely weekend!!!


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    Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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