Before the next weekend, which here welcomes us with clouds and light showers, I just wanted to share with you a couple of pictures which might become inspirations for some of you:
1. Czy uwierzycie, ze to tapeta? Niesamowite, prawda? :) Sliczna, pomyslowa... i, tak niestety, b. droga. Ale czy nie warto nie raz troche zainwestowac? :)
1. Can you believe this is a wall paper? I incredible, isn't it? : ) Nice and original... and yes, unfortunately very expensive. But don't you think sometimes investing some more money might pay off? : )
2. To jedno z najladniejszych zdjec Rihanna, jakie kiedykolwiek widzialam. Rihanna postanowila swietowac razem z Nivea, ktore w tym roku obchodzi 100 urodziny. Dlatego pojawila sie na ich oficjalnej stronie po prostu tak (nie wiem, czy mi sie tylko wydaje, ale jestem prawie pewna, ze oprocz delikatnego makijazu, nie ma tu zadnej obrobki z uzyciem Photoshopa):
2. This is one of the cutest pictures of Rihanna I have ever seen. Rihanna decided to celebrate Nivea's 100th Birthday by posing completely nude (the picture is on their website) Nivea declares: "For our centennial, we are partnering with another icon, global music sensation Rihanna. Her voice will help us bring NIVEA’s 100th anniversary celebration to fans all around the world." I might be wrong, but it appears to me, Rihanna is so natural and pretty with only a touch of make up on! Plus, I doubt Photoshop was even used!
3. Wlasnie na jakiejs stronie, zobaczylam ten samochod Audi XC60 suv. Bardzo fajny...
3. I have just stumbled upon a picture of this car (Audi XC60 suv). Very nice...
... w srodku tez!
... also the interiors!
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