This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hereafter. A review.

Mimo, ze kino Clinta Eastwooda, to majstersztyk, musze przyznac, ze do Hereafter bylam nastawiona raczej nieprzyjaznie. Skrawkowe recenzje, ktore mialam okazje ulyszec mowily cos o swiecie fantasy, zyciu pozagrobowym, powierzchownie potraktowanymi zjawiskawi metafizycznymi etc czyli nic co mogloby jakos pozytywnie nastawic mnie do obejrzenia tegoz wlasnie filmu. Do tego jeszcze komentarze dwoch naszych znajomych, ktorzy wyszli z kina w trakcie trwania (!) filmu!

No coz. Ja bym nie wyszla.

Film byl poruszajacy, zaskakujacy i intrygujacy jednoczesnie. Nie ma sie wrazenia, ze film jest ciezki, przygnebiajacy, dlugi i przewidywalny. Wrecz przeciwnie. Trzy tak rozne historie, ktore rozgrywaja sie w trzech tak odleglych od siebie miejscach na swiecie, w pewnym momencie scalaja w jedna spojna calosc, ktora trudno przewidziec od poczatku filmu. Watki filmu nie byly nuzace i nie spowodowaly, ze w trakcie filmu myslalam "o niebieskich migdalach", typu: "rzeczy do zrobienia jutro".

Jesli chodzi o czesc "metafizyczna", temat potraktowany byl z niezwyklym urokiem i subtelnoscia. Rezyser uniknal przedstawinia kiczowatych "wizji" glownych bohaterow, wyimaginowanych, ckliwych "przepowiedni". Wszystko pokazne bylo z niezwykla delikatnoscia i dawalo pole do popisu odbiorcom filmu. 

Co do aktorow... fantastyczni! Matt Damon w wyborowej formie. Cécile de France, ktorej wczesniej nie znalam, jest absolutnie do odkrycia (wlasnie patrze na jej dotychczasowe role i juz wybieram filmy do obejrzenia), mali chlopcy grajacy role blizniakow, po prostu rewelacyjni.

Jednym zdaniem: "Brawo Clint!"

Although Clint Eastwood's movies always turn out to be masterpieces, I must admit, I was geared to  Hereafter rather unfriendly. Scraps of review, which I had a chance to hear said something about the fantasy world, life after death, superficially depicted metaphysical phenomena etc, therefore nothing that could that could set me something positive to watch the movie. Plus, some of my friends' negative comments, who left  the cinema in the middle of the film!

Well, I wouldn't have left.
The film was moving, surprising and intriguing at the same time. It doesn't leave you with an impression it was ponderous, sad, long and predictable. Quite the contrary. Three such different stories that happen in three so distant from one another places in the world, at some point merge into a coherent whole, which is difficult to foresee from the beginning of the film. The storylines were not boring and didn't make me think of "to do list" for the following day while watching the film.
As for the "metaphysical" theme, it was treated with an extraordinary charm and subtlety. The director escaped cheesy "visions" of the main characters, imaginary "predictions" they had. Everything was treated with considerable discretion, the audience was given all the
freedom to imagine and decide for themselves..
On a slightly different note, the actors were fantastic! Matt Damon is absolutely spectacular. Cécile de France, which I haven't had a chance to see before definitely deserves to be discovered (I'm already looking at her filmography to decide which films are must on "to watch list") and the two small twin boys are absolutely delightful!
To put it in a nutshell: "Well done Clint!"


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Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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