This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween... should I be worried?

So on Saturday my bf and I are throwing our first Halloween party for friends. I'm SO excited : ) Unfortunately apart from the menu and some decorations that I have been working on for a long time now (tomorrow we're going to curve the pumpkins with all the staff at school, so I'll take mine home and use it on Saturday), I have no idea about what costumes we should wear... Yesterday I met one of my friends who will come to our dinner and she's making the costumes herself... (!) I mean, yeah, she's skilled and crafty and have all those extraordinary ideas. I don't. The worst thing is that when sending out the invitations I highlighted the fact about the costumes and warned that those ones who are not dressed properly will not be welcome to the party. Therefore I scream from the top of my lungs: HELP!!!!


  1. Well, I'm being a jellyfish. You tape streams to an umbrella and dress brightly. You could always go with that! and be my far away twin! haha, or google "homemade costumes" theres a lot to choose from! Do let us know what you pick :) Have a great time at your party!

  2. I was going to dress "victorian"... but in the end I decided not to go to a costume party and I´ll just be me =).

  3. ahhh Hun I have NO idea how to help you! I'm polish - don't forget about that!
    I hope you'll have fun and you'll tell us everything and of course upload LOADS of photos!!! I want to see how you managed to host such a "not european" party!

    Have a wonderful weekend Sweetie!

  4. I want to write you an email... can you send me yours at mine


  5. Jo! I'm so sorry to scare you, I'm not leaving, and your part of the reason I'm not! I knew I couldn't leave my friends, but I did feel like I had to tell my mom, and thats why I was feeling so down. So I told her. She's letting me keep it, but she's monitoring it now. But I am going to be moving sites! Sorry again for scaring you!

    Have a great day, Jo! :)


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Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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