This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Melilli Outlet

Wielka radosc i wielkie rozczarowanie zarazem po mojej pierwszej wizycie w Melilli Outlet. Sama struktura jest imponujaca, polaczenie stali, szkla oraz gra swiatla robi wielkie wrazenie. Wszystko ma przypominac wielka lodz/statek (w koncu outlet znajduje sie na "brzegu" morza). Jednak po wielkim zachwycie, przychodzi ogromne niedowierzanie i niedosyt: nic nie jest jeszcze w 100% gotowe. Otwartych jest ok 10 sklepow (na planowanych 100!), takich jak: Golden Point, Motivi, Guru, Lindt, Difussione Tessile, jakas perfumeria (nieznana mi siec), ksiegarnia i chyba to wszystko! Parking jest jeszcze w ogole nie oznakowany! Adwokaci juz zacieraja rece na nieuchronne wypadki, stluczki i inne historie. Wszedzie widac worki z cementem, piach, murarzy, pracownikow w kombinezonach ochronnych, itd itp. Nie do pomyslenia! Przeciez data otwarcia do zeszlego tyg. nie byla jeszcze znana; czy nie mozna bylo po prostu jej przesunac o kilka... nie, nie tygodni... miesiecy?! Mogli przeciez otworzyc kilka tygodni przed swietami, wtedy wszyscy "rzuciliby" sie  na przedswiateczne zakupy!
Pomijajac te katastrofe, cieszy mnie fakt, ze w koncu bede mogla spedzic caly dzien w jednym miejscu, a nie jezdzic po calym miescie w poszkiwaniu butow, torebek, sukienek, bielizny, pudrow i innych niezbednych mi rzeczy :)

Great joy and great disappointment at the same time after my first visit to Melilli Outlet. The structure is extraordinary, combination of steel, glass and light game makes a great impression. Everything has to resemble a big boat / ship (after all, the outlet is located on the "coastline”). However, after the first thrill, comes a huge disappointment and dissatisfaction: nothing is truly ready and finished. Only about 10 stores (out of the 100 planned!) are open, such as: Golden Point, Motivi, Guru, Lindt, Difussione Tessile, some sort of a perfume shop(of some unknown name), a book shop and I think that's it! Parking is still not marked at all! Attorneys are already rubbing their hands at the inevitable accidents, fender benders and similar occurrences. Everywhere you can see bags of cement, sand, bricklayers, workers in protective overalls, etc., etc. Simply unthinkable! The opening date was not known until last week, wasn’t it better just to put it off for another several… no, not weeks… months?! After all they could open the outlet a few weeks before Christmas, when everyone would go on a shopping spree!

Apart from this catastrophe, I appreciate that I will finally be able to spend all day in one place and not drive all over town in search for shoes, bags, dresses, make-up products and other necessary things :)
Zycze wszystkim cudownego weekendu z fajna piosenka w tle. Na przyklad taka. To specjalnie dla A. Ona juz wie dlaczego :) Poza tym, jaka fajna/e ta/e reklama/y, prawda? :)

I wish everyone a wonderful weekend with a fancy song in the background. Like this one, for example. This is especially for A. She will know why :) Besides, what a nice commercial this is, isn't it?


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Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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