This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Friday, September 30, 2011

A hard week.

To byl dlugi i ciezki tydzien. Najpierw, w poniedzialek, R i ja dowiedzielismy sie o smierci naszego wspanialego przyjaciela, ktorego na szczescie mielismy okazje odwiedzic podczas naszych tegorocznych wakacji w Stanach. Czasami przeznaczenie stwarza takie dziwne okazje, ktore doceniamy tak naprawde dopiero we wlasciwym czasie.

It was a long and tough week. First, on Monday, we found out about death of our dear friend who we had an incredible chance to see during our holidays in the US last summer. We're so grateful to have had this possibility. Sometimes the destiny leads you to people and places which we are able to trully appreciate only in the right time after the occurrance happens.

Potem, we wtorek, dwa maile z odrzuceniem mojej kandydatury na:

1. fantastyczny darmowy kurs "Zarzadzanie, Ekonomia i Psychologia Turystyki" (po drugim etapie selekcji);
2. stanowisko administratora w szkole miedzynarodowej w Rzymie

Then, on Tuesday, I received 2 job/school rejection emails. Those regarded:

1. a fantastic free course in "Administration, Economy and Psychology of Tourism", after being selected as a short listed candidate
2. a position of a PA at an international school in Rome

W ten sam dzien, aplikowalam na nauczyciela jezyka angielskiego w Catanii. Po 2 godzinach, otrzymalam telefon z prosba o przyjscie na rozmowe kwalifikacyjna juz nastepnego dnia. Bylam zszokowana, ze zadzwonili tak szybko.
W srode, wiec autobusem o 8.30 rano udalam sie do Catanii. Pierwsza czesc "selekcji" to zwykly formularz zawierajacy dane osobowe, plus ok 10 pytan dotyczacych moich osobistych sukcesow i porazek, doswiadczen zawodowych, itp. itd. Druga czesc polegala na rozwiazaniu psychologicznego testu na osobowosc (!?), 16PF (16 Personality Factor Test) skladajacego sie ze 185 pytan ukazujacych sie na scianie za pomoca wyswietlajacego ich projektora w grupach po 4 pytania za kazdym razem. Tu znajdziecie szczegoly. Nastepnie, odbylam 20min rozmowe z przedstawicielem szkoly (psychologiem? rekruterem? nie wiem) a potem 40 min test z angielskiego. Test byl b. trudny. Nie chodzilo tylko o problemy gramatyczne, idiomy, czy slownictwo. Test obejmowal takze problemy historyczno-literacko-polityczne wszystkich krajow anglosaskich.
To bylo jedno z najtrudniejszych procesow rekrutacji, w jakich kiedykolwiek bralam udzial. Wszystko trwalo ok 2.5godz. i mialam wrazenie, ze aplikuje co najmniej na stanowisko dyrektora jakiegos ogromnego koncernu miedzynarodowego. Wrocilam do domu strasznie zmeczona.
Na pocieszenie znalazlam ten komiks (to rozmowa kwalifikacyjna do Ikei, a pan za biurkiem mowi: "Prosze usiasc"):

On the same day, I applied for a language teacher position in a school in Catania. To my great surprise, after 2hours, my phone rang and a nice lady from the school asked me to come to a job interview the following day.
On Wednesday, then I took the 8.30am bus and went to Catania. The first part of the selection entailed a simple personal data form plus a questionnaire with 10 questions regarding my personal and career experiences, my best and worst traits, etc. The second part included a psychological test called 16 Personality Factor Test embracing 185 questions and limited time to answer them all (about 50 mins). The questions popped out in groups of four. You can read more about it here. Next, I had a 20 min interview with the HR officer/psychologist and then  a 40 min test in English. Really difficult.  What puzzled me was the fact that not only did the quiz concern vocabulary, grammar or idioms but also a wide range of political/literary/historical issues in all the anglophone countries.
This was one of the most difficult job interviews I have ever taken part in. It felt as though I was applying for an international company director/manager position. I came home totally worn out.
If it's any consolation, today I have found this hilarious strip:

Source: via Ana on Pinterest

Jakby tego bylo malo, wczoraj w naszej dzielnicy zabraklo wody (u nas zdarza sie to mniej wiecej raz w miesiacu, ze wzgledu na restrukturyzacje wodociagowa i prace, ktore sa obecnie wykonywane), a ja na wczoraj wlasnie zaplanowalam sprzatanie mieszkania... Bez komentarza.

If that wasn't enough, yesterday we lacked water in our building (this is trigged by the fact the whole district is undergoing some sewerage pipes & pumps refurbishment or sth) and I (of course) had planned to clean my apartment on that particular day. No comment.

Powinnam teraz zamknac sie w czarnej otchlani rozpaczy? Tak, to by bylo najlatwiejsze. Ale tego nie zrobie. Znalazlam ten napis: "Nie obawiaj sie poniesc porazki. Obawiaj sie nie probowac." Bardzo madre i bardzo przekonywujace.

Should I wallow in despair and self-pity? Yes, that's right, that would be the easiest thing to do. But I won't. I've stumbled upon this image today. I find this incredibly wise and convincing.

Miejmy nadzieje, ze chociaz weekend bedzie fajniejszy i spokojniejszy. Na jutro mamy zaplanowana wizyte na wystawie psow, ktora akurat odbywa sie w naszym miescie oraz spotkanie ze znajomymi na pizzy w Acqua del Ferro, czyli w miejscu, ktore ogromnie lubie, ale do ktorego udajemy sie dosc rzadko ze wzgledu na odleglosc (ok 1.5godz samochodem).

Let's just hope the weekend will be more fun. We're planning on dropping in on our friends who come to Syracuse for a dog exhibition. In addition, we're going for a pizza to Acqua del Ferro, a place I absolutely adore and which we don't frequent that often (it takes 1.5h drive to get there).

W niedziele natomiast wielkie pakowanie, gdyz juz w pon wylatuje na tydzien do Polski!!! Hurra!!! :)

On Sunday on the other hand, I'm packing as I'm leaving for Poland for a week this Monday!!! Hooray!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Everything about this is splendid! I love the Ikea comic. I am not sure if you want that job after what they put you through, but good luck!!! Have fun on vacation!
    velvet cupcakes


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Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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