This is what I would like to be. This is what I believe I can become. Maybe it's a little more difficult since I live in a small town in Sicily. On this blog I want to describe how my life here gradually changes and evolves. Describe my little successes and failures. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Trends and style: my transformation.

W ostatnim roku wydaje mi sie, ze przechodze cos w sensie... hmm... wewnetrzej przemiany..?? Byc moze fakt, ze w tym roku zostane juz 30-letnia kobieta (tak tak... i wierzcie, ze ciezko ten numer przechodzi mi teraz przez gardlo) sprawia, ze na wszystko powinnam patrzec z "innej perspektywy". Chodzi mi o styl, ktoremu do tej pory bylam bezgranicznie wierna, a ktory zaczyna, jakby ewoluowac albo po prostu przechodzic jakas dziwna transformacje. Kolor rozowy i fioletowy, ktory dominuje (nadal do tej pory) w mojej szafie chyba przestaje mi byc juz "niezbedny do zycia" a styl "baby doll" powoli przestaje byc tym "najfajniejszym na swiecie"...

Dzis przez przypadek natknelam sie na "stare" (2009) specjalne wydanie wloskiego Vogue z najnowszymi kolekcjami na wiosne/lato. W srodku bylo pelno post-it z zaznaczonymi przeze mnie ciuchami, ktore wpadly mi wtedy w oko. Wiecie co? Ponad polowa dzisiaj juz mi sie nie podobala!

Dziwne to wszystko. Nawet dla mnie. Oto kilka ciuchow z pokazow na jesien - zima 2011, ktore mi sie podobaja, sa dla mnie jakas inspiracja, a ktorych na pewno nie zauwazylabym nawet jeszcze rok temu:

This year is quite significant for me taking into consideration the fact I’ll turn 30 this October (which I can hardly pronounce aloud!) Also, it looks like, I’m undergoing some kind of… style transformation?! I have no idea if these two things are somehow connected or not. The point is, I start to look at colors, materials, and patterns… from "a different perspective". I mean the style, which up to now I was extremely faithful to, right now, starts to evolve or/and is subjected to some kind of a strange transformation. Pink and purple which dominate (still today) in my closet, cease to be the only acceptable colors and the "baby doll” style the "coolest in the world"...

Today, I came across the "old" (2009) special issue of Italian Vogue with the latest collections for spring / summer. It was full of post-it notes which I attached to the clothes I liked best at that time being. You know what? I didn’t like more than half of them when I looked at them yesterday!

That’s all so strange. Even for me. Here are some shots from autumn - winter 2011 fashion shows. These clothes are not pink or purple and in spite of this I find them attractive and definitely get me very inspired! I’m sure I wouldn’t even notice them one year ago!

Antonio Berardi

C'N'C' Costume National
Gianfranco Ferré
Jason Wu
Marc by Marc Jacobs
Massimo Rebecchi
Ports 1961
Sonia Rykiel
Stella McCartney
Ta ostatnia (Stella McCartney) to chyba jedna z najpopularniejszych sukienek w tym sezonie. Przynajmniej we Wloszech, gdzie widac ja wszedzie! Co druga prezenterka telewizyjna ma jakas jej wersje (dluzsza lub krotsza dlugosc) a ostatnio widzialam ja nawet w wersji kombinezonu (z dwoma nogawkami na Belen Rodrigez, zdjecie ponizej). Mnie najbardziej podoba sie ta powyzej (na Anji Rubik) oraz ta ostatnia na zdjeciu "zbiorowym".

The last dress (Stella McCartney) is probably one of the hippest this season. At least in Italy, where I can see every other TV presenter wearing a different version (shorter or longer) of it during various occasions and recently I have spotted the jumpsuit version worn by Belen Rodrigez (pic below). To my mind, the most beautiful is the one above (worn by Anja Rubik) as well as the last one in the collective picture.


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Difficult to describe me really. Definitely I am very complicated and ambitious... an aesthete.. sometimes a complainer. Neverhteless I would like to become Miss Independent. But no big words like sacrifice, dedication, devotion, etc... After all, I am a normal working girl who likes to go out, do shopping and having fun with her friends.


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