Anyway, yesterday we went out with some friends (and my bf's brother and his gf who came from Milano for a short holiday) and we had a great time together. First, we had some pizza in an open air restaurant followed by a stroll in the historical center. We had a drink in a bar (mine was called "pick me up" and I can't really explain where its name derived from) and then (at 00.30!) we opted for some pancakes with Nutella in one of the most famous "creperias".
My plans to go to the beach unfortunately fell through: the weather is quite changeable this weekend and you can't really rely on it. Then I had this idea (you know this little light that out of the blue appears in your head..) to visit the new commercial center they opened close to Catania (it's called Katané) but after I gave it some thought, I arrived at the conclusion it could be extremely crowdy today: it's Sunday and I'm sure there are plenty of people as curious as I am therefore we've postponed it until a later date. We're having a blissful day at home instead.
What I really wanted to write about is what has happened to me quite recently (and about what I couldn't write earlier because of lack of time). Some weeks ago we bought this new microwave oven since the last one we had suddenly stopped working.
We brought it home, started using it but it wasn't until some days ago that I noticed something really strange about it... I was cleaning my kitchen when all of a sudden I noticed this:
There wouldn't be anything particular about this message if it wasn't written... in Polish! Let's face the truth: it happens to me to find some Polish instructions on the electro-domestic products but only because these products are sold to many different countries and there's one only manual that should serve everyone (it's usually "a book" with 100 pages divided into "chapters" written in various languages). It's amazing though to see a writing like that written ONLY in Polish on a product I bought in Italy. So I think it's a sign. Maybe it's stupid but the message describing only the technical characteristics of the device made me smile. I felt warmth growing in my heart and it wasn't even that I noticed this message in a difficult, "nostalgic" moment, no. But I believe it somehow was meant to be. Did anything like that ever happen to you too?